

The truth of humanity revealed in identity auto drawings without AI

When an object is conceptualized in the real world, the object's self-identity is generated at the same time.
An image can be linked to identity.
Identity can be visually expressed through an image.
When the object is an object that exists in time and space, the shape of the object is the visual expression of the object's self-identity.
When the object is an individual human being, the human body is the visual expression of the individual's self-identity.
The human body itself is the visual expression of the self-identity.
In identity auto drawing, the self-identity of the object is visually expressed not by the shape of the object or body, but by directly drawing the image of the object.
When visually expressing an object, expressing the visible shape pictorially is a method of expression that artists have adopted up until now.
The self-identity of the object is already expressed in the visible shape, so if you draw the visible shape in a picture, it becomes a visual expression of the object's self-identity.
When the object is a human being, drawing a portrait of that person becomes art that expresses that person's self-identity.
By copying a human being as an object onto paper, it becomes an expression of that person's self-identity.
However, I began to think that this is not a direct expression of the person's self-identity.
I wondered if I could express a person's self-identity directly in art, without going through the shape of their body as an object, and after much trial and error, I came up with a painting method called identity auto drawing.
Objects that exist in the real world are recognized by their visual shape as their extension, and the self-identity that it contains.
When we recognize a person, we form an image of that person in our minds by combining their representation with the self-identity that the person contains.
A portrait is an artistic expression of a representation.
I have been thinking about what would happen if identity were expressed in art. It is certainly possible if identity is expressed in words and converted into an image by generative AI.
However, I realized that this is merely a replacement of words with an image.
I wondered if I could incorporate the abstract image of a person's self-identity as an object that appears in the mind into art.
It links identity directly to art without the use of words. Expressing identity in language makes its conceptual aspect clear.
However, that alone does not reveal the true nature of identity.
To know it, it is necessary to access identity directly, without the use of language.
For me to know the true nature of your self-identity, I simply need to bring my self-identity into contact with your self-identity.
AI does not have a self-identity, so it cannot know the true nature of your self-identity.
Your self-identity and my self-identity can come into contact at a layer that transcends the space of reality.
To do this, you need to meet me face to face.
I must first perceive your existence as a human being.

You do not need to converse with me, but you need to confront me.
By facing you and cross-resonating our consciousness, I will be able to enter your inner space.
I will be able to access the information that exists in your inner space. When I say information, I do not mean linguistic information, programming information, or images; it is information that exists before humans can perceive it as a concept.
In other words, it is information that can be captured as some kind of image.
There is no way to know what it means. Just draw it on paper.
This is a drawing called identity auto drawing. It must be said that it is almost impossible to read conceptual meaning from it.
The basis for your existence in this space-time is written there.
The reality of your existence before it is expressed in the real world is there.
You can capture it in the art field. Everyone can connect to the art field.
If you draw a picture while connected to your own art field, it becomes self-identity auto drawing.
If you draw a scene that unfolds in the space of your own art field, it becomes an artistic expression of your self-identity.
Your self-identity auto drawing is proof of your existence.
You can know that you exist in the real world by seeing your body as a substance, touching it, and hearing your voice.
Even if I don't grasp your substance by touching it, I can know that you actually exist by seeing your self-identity auto drawing.
By connecting to your art field, I can write your identity auto drawing on paper.
I can do this because you and I exist in parallel at the same time.
So you are not the only one who exists in the world. Humans draw pictures to prove their own existence.
This is why humans draw pictures. It can be said that drawing pictures and being human are equivalent.
Here lies the answer to the question, "Why did Homo sapiens become human?"
We are usually not very aware that we are Homo sapiens.
This is because we recognize ourselves as human. We live in an conceptual world created by human consciousness.
While we have the body of Homo sapiens, we live in the human world as consciousness.
Existence as a body and existence as consciousness are completely different things.
Homo sapiens only became human when they combined both of these existences.
The human world is determined by our uniquely human mythological worldview. Without realizing it, we live our lives immersed in a world of mythology that has been deeply rooted in our ethnic group since ancient times.
While identity auto drawing is itself a visual entity, the artistic quality it expresses directly affects the consciousness of the person who sees it.
This is because art is a creation of human consciousness.
As myths are also created by human consciousness, it can be said that art and mythology have something in common.

Perhaps the origins of art and myth are the same.
Identity auto drawing reveals the truth of the person who draws it.
It is a truth that no one can hide. The truth of you as a person is revealed in your self-identity auto drawing.
When you are confused about who you are, try drawing your self-identity auto drawing and you will find the answer there.
Just as you can objectify your own existence by looking at your face in the mirror, you can objectify your own existence by looking at your self-identity auto drawing.
A painting of an object represents the object and at the same time represents the painter who painted it.
In the painting, two objects, the object and the painter, intersect.
Identity auto drawing is not art that depicts the shape of the object, so it naturally takes on an abstract nature.
You have no idea what the painting depicts. So you can no longer label the painting.
It becomes difficult to analyze and classify it by its expression method or technique, as in traditional paintings.
When placing a painting along a chronological order, it becomes unclear where it fits in.
Abstract paintings have been created before. Abstract expressionism, which arose in the United States, is one example.
Among them, Jackson Pollock's abstract paintings are those that eliminate human artificiality as much as possible.
For this reason, they are different from paintings as a form of traditional expression.
There is no composition, no subject, no context, but you can sense that there is something there.
The fact that the painter is involved emerges from the painting. It is possible to paint a picture using only natural forces such as gravity and AI algorithms.
However, the presence of humans is not visible there, and the picture appears to be merely a natural phenomenon.
It is true that the paintings drawn by generative AI are beautiful and perfectly drawn, but on the other hand, perhaps because they do not feel a real, lively humanity, there is no uncertainty, and something is missing in the work.
Why? Because the human identity is not reflected in them. Paintings drawn directly by humans always reflect the painter's self-identity. Even in paintings that are neither beautiful nor complete, the painter's self-identity is reflected, and you can feel the painter's life energy from it.
At this point, you may be beginning to see the value of identity auto drawing. Identity auto drawing is an art that expresses the painter's life.
The more you look at it, the more you can feel the painter's life energy, and you are drawn into its inner world.
The painter's self-identity and the self-identity of the person looking at the painting intersect, and a new world line is generated there.
This has probably changed the way you look at paintings.
The more you can feel the painter's life energy in a painting, the more valuable it is.
Since the emergence of generative AI, the value of paintings has changed. Any human can create identity auto drawing, which reflects life energy.
The value of a painting is judged not by its technical ability, but by whether it emits a high or low level of life energy.
Therefore, identity auto drawing can be said to be a democratic art that is unrelated to the authority of the painter's career or fame.

It's Art 3.0, so to speak.
Even generative AI can create beautiful, flawless, perfect digital paintings.
However, the value of art is no longer there.
This is because generative AI does not have a self-identity, so digital paintings drawn by generative AI do not represent generative AI.
Because generative AI does not generate life energy, digital paintings drawn by generative AI do not reflect the reality of the painter.
It is not identity auto drawing. Original paintings drawn directly by humans emit the most realistic life energy.
Even if a human programs the algorithm of generative AI, there is no room for human life energy to enter into the digital painting drawn by generative AI, because humans are not directly involved in the drawing of the painting.
Since identity auto drawing can only be drawn by a human, it can be said that the truth of being human is in identity auto drawing.
Identity auto drawing reflects the truth of the painter as a human being.
Just as one human being corresponds to one identity, identity auto drawing corresponds to one human being.
However, you may be left wondering what and how to draw to become identity auto drawing.
The answer to that question in one word is "draw abstract art."
The concept of expressing an object does not apply to abstract art.
This is because most abstract art is not a painting of an object.
Abstract art is different from secondary paintings (called this because it inserts pseudo-reality into art) that express objects that exist in real space as art, such as landscapes, portraits, and still life.
Abstract art is itself an object that belongs to real space.
Abstract art does not have the nesting structure of secondary paintings.
In that sense, abstract art can be called primary painting.
Because it is not art that re-expresses on paper objects that exist in real space, that is, objects that have already been expressed.
I call it primary in the sense that it is not art that re-expresses objects that have already been expressed.
When I create abstract art, I try not to try to express something.
Just move your hands quickly without thinking, relying only on intuition and sensation.
Your hands move before you think, without giving your brain time to think.
You become one with the natural environment and let the auto-draw occur as it pleases.
By clearing your mind, you can detach yourself from real objects.
This allows the painting itself to be subsumed by its environment.
The title of the painting is added later; it is not art that was created with the intention of expressing something.
The title is given to the painting after it was painted, based on what the painting saw.
Everyone sees a painting differently, and there is no fixed interpretation.
In fact, no interpretation is necessary.
You just need to sense what you see with your eyes.
Because abstract art does not express any object, there is no need to translate the picture into words.
You just need to capture the picture with your senses alone.
It's the same when looking at the natural world.

We see the most spectacular scenery in nature with our senses.
You can see it in the same way.
In this sense, it can be said that creators create new landscapes that do not exist in nature through abstract art.
Cave paintings painted by Homo sapiens about 15,000 years ago can still be seen today.
They are landscapes that prove that humans existed in those places at that time.
We can see that even though humans at that time did not have the concept of expressive art, they painted abstract, symbolic murals.
Art is a field that was born spontaneously among humans.
Abstract art is not art created to re-express objects that exist in the real world, but as a result, it is art that expresses the artist himself.
In that sense, abstract art can be said to be a clear expression of the artist's identity.
Because abstract art is a painting that only reflects the artist's self-identity.
The self-identity of people other than the artist is not reflected.
Therefore, it is possible to link humans, self-identity, and identity auto drawing.
The differences between two people are manifested in the differences in their respective self-identities, their respective identity auto drawings, and their respective physicality.
The identity auto drawings drawn by one person show the same tendencies.
It is extremely difficult to express one person's self-identity in words, but this is clearly reflected in the identity auto drawings.
Just as the voiceprints and fingerprints of each person are different, the identity auto drawings drawn by each person are different.
Humans live their lives thinking every day.
There are probably no major differences in the way people think among people living in the same society.
You may wonder if that is the case, and whether there are no major differences between people as people.
People are clearly all different, and it feels like each person's self-identity is very different.
I sometimes wonder how and in what way I can express this.
I think about what and why the self and the other are different.
Two water molecules are exactly the same as H₂O, but no two people are exactly the same.
This is obvious when comparing the identity auto drawings drawn by two people.
The identity auto drawing has an objective existence as a fact.
Therefore, perhaps the answer to the question "what is a human being?" lies there.
As a living being, the human body is its objective existence as a fact.
However, if you ask what the objective fact that distinguishes the human self-identity of a human being is, it is the identity auto drawing. In that sense, by drawing an identity auto drawing, we can recognize ourselves as human beings.
In other words, the identity auto drawing is a mirror of the human self.
To verify whether you are a human being, simply draw an identity auto drawing.
This is because it is an authentication of each and every human being.
Therefore, identity auto drawing makes it possible to identify individual human beings.

Since an identity auto drawing can only be drawn by a living person, it can be said that identity auto drawing is equivalent to that person's life.
Identity auto drawing has the same value as a person's life.
It can be seen that it is different from beautiful digital works such as animations drawn by generative AI.
Generative AI generates works through algorithms.
So if you have the same algorithm, it is possible to generate the same work.
How do humans generate works?
Humans generate works using the cerebrum that they are born with.
All humans have a cerebrum, so everyone can generate works.
A certain part of the cerebrum plays a role similar to the algorithm of generative AI.
Since the tissue structure of the cerebrum differs from person to person, the works that are generated will also differ from person to person.
However, in the case of humans, works are not generated only by the algorithm in the brain, but by an additional function, so the same work cannot be generated twice.
If you ask what the additional function is, it is the action of human consciousness.
Because human consciousness changes from moment to moment, the works generated also change over time.
Works generated by generative AI will be the same regardless of time. In other words, works generated by humans have a time axis, but works generated by generative AI do not.
The human brain has a time axis because humans are alive.
Generative AI does not have a time axis because generative AI is not alive. Therefore, humans can only generate works within the limited time they are alive, and there is a limit to the number of works that huma
ns can generate.
Because generative AI is not bound by time, it can generate as many works as it wants as long as the algorithm is activated.
This raises the question of whose work the digital paintings generated by generative AI are.
Is it the work of the algorithm engineer, or the AI itself? Or is it the work of the director who came up with the algorithm?
Because many people and generative AI are involved in the generation of a work, digital works generated by AI are positioned like movies or animations. However, unlike paintings created by humans, digital works created by AI are not created from scratch but are generated from existing materials, so they are not completely creative works.
The mechanism by which AI generates works is different from that of humans painting.
In the case of AI, it is closer to graphic design techniques.
The printmaking technique may be considered close to the AI generation technique, but since human hands are involved in the production process of printmaking, there is a time axis.
Each print made by human hands is different, and no two works are the same.
Digital works can be reproduced any number of times, but non-digital works created by humans cannot be reproduced in their entirety.
Once reproduced, they will differ from the original, so it is possible to distinguish between original and reproduced works.
So while non-digital works created by humans are unique, digital works generated by AI, even if they are unique on the blockchain,

In the true sense, they cannot be said to be one of a kind.
That is the same as saying that each human being is one of a kind. Why can digital works be perfectly replicated, but non-digital works cannot be perfectly replicated?
In short, it is because digital works can be turned into algorithms, but non-digital works cannot be turned into algorithms by human hands. The digital world is created by humans, but the real world is not created by humans.
So, while humans can replicate works in the digital world, it is impossible for humans to replicate works in the real world.
If humans could, they would be able to replicate the real world itself, and humans would become god-like beings. In a sense, digital works do not exist in the real world.
The digital world is a virtual world created by the human brain.
So digital works have no substance.
In that sense, it can be said that digital works have the same existence as virtual currency.
In fact, digital works on the blockchain can be traded with virtual currency.
Virtual currency is invisible, even though it is on the blockchain.
However, virtual currency is compatible with real currency that exists in the real world.
What this means is that real-world currencies can ultimately be treated as intangible virtual currencies. Currency can circulate without the physical objects of paper money or coins. However, since our society is run by a monetary economy, currency must be compatible with real currency.
If all transactions were conducted through financial institutions, currency would no longer be necessary.
This is because financial institutions only need to reduce the balance when you make a payment and increase the balance when you deposit money.
In fact, when you make a transaction using a credit card, the balance just goes up and down and no cash movement occurs.
Money would no longer be necessary to conduct economic transactions.
All that is needed is the account balance at the financial institution.
This is the same for transactions using virtual currency.
What is meant by balance is the value held. Value can be quantified using currency.
The value of real estate and stocks is expressed in the numerical value of the currency.
What is important is the numerical value of the currency that represents the value.
There will be no need to convert the numerical value of the currency into currency every time.
Therefore, the economy is shifting from a real economy to a virtual economy.
By matching currency values to objects that have value, these objects can be bought and sold.
When a country issues government bonds to a central bank, a negative value is reflected in the country's account balance at the central bank, but if the country's economic policy resets the value back to zero, the bonds, or valuable debt, that the country owes to society will disappear.
However, since there is a value equivalent to the debt circulating in society, if the currency that has been issued is not withdrawn from society, the amount of currency in society will continue to increase, and the amount of currency relative to total value will continue to increase, so

The value of the currency falls. As a result, prices rise sharply, causing inflation.
This leads to a slump in consumption and an economic recession.
This shows how difficult it is to control a financial economy that uses currency and money.
If a nation makes a mistake in its economic policy, it could throw society into chaos.
National governments need to be careful not to make mistakes in their economic policies.
The value of an object does not indicate a universal quantity in the universe like mass, but a quantity that varies depending on the individual person who judges it, so it is unreasonable to express it in terms of a monetary value.
If there is a direct exchange of goods, there should be no problem with expressing the value of goods in currency.
In an indirect economy, where the value of goods is first expressed in currency and then traded in currency, a quantity that varies depending on such personal value judgments is expressed in objective numerical values, which creates a contradiction in economic theory.
If a social economy is run according to an economic theory that contains a contradiction, it is obvious that the economy will eventually fall into chaos and collapse.
Human society has long adopted a material economy, but the reason it was able to continue for tens of thousands of years is because it did not involve the problem of currency.
After switching to an indirect economy using currency, the problem of value recognition quickly became apparent.
You may be wondering, "Why am I talking about economics here?"
It is because I wanted to consider the truth of the value of works created by humans.
When dealing with the value of human works in an indirect economy, it is impossible to express the value of the works in a fixed numerical value, because value is not an objective, universal concept.
For example, the value of a Buddha statue cannot be determined as a single value, as the value varies from person to person.
A bag of rice is of great value to most people, so its value is generally set at a fixed numerical value.
We can see that the value of a work of art is different from the value of rice.
So the value of a work of art and the value of rice cannot be treated in the same way.
Works of art do not have the same tangible value as rice.
Non-digital works do not exist in large quantities like rice, but each piece is unique, and that is what gives them value.
Their value also increases due to their beauty and excellence of expression.
The value of the work also rises and falls based on the individual's preferences for the work.
So when creators express the value of their work in numerical terms, they must consider who it is worth to.
The value of a work therefore fluctuates greatly every time it is bought and sold.
It is impossible to say which value is correct.
In modern society, modern people are at the mercy of value judgments that are not objective.
A society that runs its economy based on economic theory with an ambiguous definition of value, which is actually a subjective concept, must be said to be standing on an extremely unstable and fragile foundation.
An economic society where it is impossible to predict when a financial crisis will hit will be fragile in nature.
This also shows that Marx's Das Kapital is a precarious theory built on a false premise.


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